labryinthine dream (5)

February 5, 2011 § Leave a comment

marriage wedding, six months late,
one room schoolhouse swathed in lace
made from a now-blind little girl’s prickled fingers.
wooden bull, carved from merlin wood,
perched upon a hill of discarded lingerie in purple prose.  pregnant
with one twin.

I would ask for your hand in Sobriety
(the carpet’s warm under your feet, and in this one room whorehouse);
I doubt you would find the altar.

the second twin has her face in the water,
breathing drown into her nostrils
and lapping numb through her mouth.  each holds a bottle cap castle
in their palms, and crossed around their breasts are labels.

the rose on your lapel is spotted white-
let me just color it in with the blood on your face
and that way you’re kiss-worthy
for when you stumble up the steps and mumble do.
you can say in the center of every flower is a crackhouse,

but I would disagree.

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